Getting oily.

Getting oily.

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So much of what I do centers on self-care and so much of my self-care centers on utilizing essential oils.

My first and most important disclaimer for the remainder of this post is that I do not sell oils and while I am happy to share what MY favorite oil company is, I am in no way endorsing or promoting any specific oil.

I did think it would be fun, particularly in light of gift giving season, to share some of my favorite homemade blends. Any of these (well, except maybe my deodorant recipe) would be a great idea to share with someone you love. It is easy to get some pretty glass bottles or jars to dress these up as a thoughtful homemade gift idea.


I am currently obsessed with vetiver. Obsessed. I had a theory when I was pregnant with my babies that particular cravings signified something my body needed. I have that same theory about oils ~ that the things with which I become obsessed are properties that my mind/body/soul need. Vetiver is a calming and grounding oil with a very warm scent. Whenever I smell it, it feels like a warm hug and my entire soul exhales.

My current favorite bedtime diffuser blend is Bergamot (2 drops), Juniper Berry (2), and Vetiver (1).


Which brings me to the woodsy deliciousness of juniper. Also a grounding scent, I love how it brings the outdoors inside. Another blend that I frequently diffuse at night is Juniper Berry (2), Cypress (2), and Lavender (1).

We had family over for Thanksgiving and I tested a new blend I found on Pinterest* that was amazing and perfect for having company over. I didn’t want a scent that would compete with the aroma of dinner but something that would place less emphasis on the fact we have two dogs. Called Forest Fresh, this blend was Frankincense (1), Juniper Berry (1), Eucalyptus (2), and Grapefruit (4).

Personal Care.

One of the things I like best about using essential oils is my ability to create my own personal care items and have a better sense of what I am actually applying to my body. It’s also a little bit fun when my entire kitchen looks like a chemistry lab.

I’ve been making my own deodorant for several years. I’ve tried many natural brands and really haven’t found anything that I like more than my own stuff. I had inherited a bunch of little jelly jars after a wedding a few years ago and they are the perfect size and shape for my deodorant. Some people feel a certain way about scooping this out, and applying, with your fingers but once you get past that, it’s not a thing to even think about anymore.


The recipe I use is as follows:
4 Tbsp coconut oil
5 Tbsp corn starch
1 Tbsp + 1 tsp baking soda
20 drops essential oils (optional and to your personal preference. I use lavender and a little tea tree due to their properties to protect against odor.)

I place a little water in a saucepan and a put a metal bowl in the pan as a DIY double boiler. Add everything except the essential oils over a low flame and blend until smooth. Pour into the jelly jar and let cool slightly. Add essential oils and stir (a chopstick works very well here). Let harden overnight. That’s it!

I also make my own body oil and perfume. Currently, and based on my obsession with vetiver, I am using the same master blend in both my perfume and body oil, though sometimes I try to work with scents that complement each other.


The recipe I found for this is as follows:
25 drops vetiver
50 drops patchouli
50 drops lavender
50 drops orange (I had, and used, tangerine instead)
50 drops lime
1 drop ginger

For the perfume, I added this master blend to the ingredients below in a 2oz blue glass spray bottle:
8 tsp of vodka (90+ proof, cheap - we’re not using Grey Goose here.)
1/4 tsp olive oil
1/2 tsp distilled water

For the body oil, I added this master blend to a 6oz bottle of sweet almond oil. I use it in the morning immediately after my shower.

Another example that I love is my homemade version of well-known retailer’s “energy” aromatherapy line. I use a 50/50 blend of the Simply Citrus synergy blend from Eden’s Garden with their ginger essential oil. I mix with the carrier information above (adjusting the amount of each oil to the desired strength).

When making your own perfume or body oil, the important takeaway from this post is the carrier information (the water, oil, and vodka components of the perfume, and the carrier oil of your choice for the body oil). If you prefer lotion to oil, you can also add your own scents to your favorite unscented body lotion. The scents and strength of the blends are ultimately personal choices and you can play around or search up other recipes that better suit you.

Health care.

The final thing I want to share is my “cold medicine” blend that I have been using the past few winters. I diffuse this when any of us are getting the sniffles and I apply it like Vicks (but with coconut or sweet almond oil) if the kids or I get sick. I swear by this stuff. It’s gold.

(This was the blend that finally got my husband on board - one night when he was feeling under the weather he asked me, and I quote, “do you have anything in that little tea kettle of yours to help me?” They all come around when they’re sick!)


20-25 drops eucalyptus
20-25 drops peppermint
10 drops of tea tree
10 drops of lemon
4 drops of lavender
4 drops of rosemary

*Most of the recipes I have I’ve adapted from mystery sources on Pinterest. Where I’ve been able, I’ve linked to the original source, though you may see where I’ve made personal preference changes. Pinterest is the motherlode of diffuser blends, and other oily recipes. I highly recommend it.

I’d love to hear from you - favorite diffuser blends, go-to single oils, or other ways you’re using essential oils in your home. I am also happy to answer questions about how to get started with essential oils. I remember when I first began it seemed super overwhelming but I found a couple of great sampler sets and tons of online resources. I hope to be one of those resources for you!

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