Navigating Depression Through Magic and Ritual (with Terence P Ward)

Navigating Depression Through Magic and Ritual (with Terence P Ward)

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In our penultimate episode of Season Two, Courtney is delighted to welcome Terence P. Ward to the show! Terence is the author of Empty Cauldrons: Navigating Depression Through Magic and Ritual. In this conversation, Courtney and Terence talk about their experiences with depression, and Terence shares some of the healing strategies found in his book.

Terence and Courtney both write, and a good portion of this conversation centers on words: the differences and similarities between Paganism, Wicca, and witchcraft; conceptions of, and misconceptions about, depression; how to reframe the narrative about life and the challenges we face. They also ask the question: In terms of healing practices, which is "traditional"? Psychology in the Western tradition or ancient practices handed down generation after generation? And what, exactly, is "spicy psychology"??

Additionally, Terence discusses the practices of journaling that he writes about in Empty Cauldrons, as well as healing strategies that incorporate spellwork.

About our guest:

Terence P Ward is a money-worker, journalist, Hellenic polytheist and Quaker who lives in the bucolic Hudson Valley with one spouse and an ever-changing number of cats. Terence is a temple priest of Poseidon with Temenos Oikidios, based in Rhode Island, and a minister ordained through Church of the Sacred Earth: a Union of Pagan Congregations in Vermont. Listeners can find his work at: ⁠⁠

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