Showing Up: How to Create Community with Carrie Allen

Showing Up: How to Create Community with Carrie Allen

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This amazing conversation with Carrie Allen explores the importance of community and the impact of capitalism, among other things, on our ability to form and maintain meaningful connections.

In this episode, Carrie and Courtney discuss the importance of community and the challenges of building and maintaining connections in today's society. They explore the idea that community happens in inconvenience and that true community requires effort and support.

They emphasize the simplicity of belonging and provide concrete steps for individuals to start building community in their lives. They also discuss the importance of consistency and finding the right fit for community engagement.

The conversation highlights the power of curiosity in forging new friendships and concludes with a call to continue the journey of community.


  • Community happens in inconvenience and requires effort and support.

  • Belonging is a simple yet essential aspect of community.

  • Concrete steps to building community include identifying existing communities to participate in and taking small actions to connect with others.

  • Consistency is key in building and maintaining community connections.

  • Finding the right cadence for community engagement is important, as different communities have different cycles.

  • Active participation and curiosity are essential in forging new friendships and connections.

  • The journey of community is ongoing and requires continuous effort and learning.

About our guest
Carrie Allen is a visionary community builder and advocate, renowned for her transformative insights into the importance of genuine, interconnected communities. Drawing from her personal journey, she inspires us to remember the significance of true community and connections in various aspects of life, from parenthood to entrepreneurship to the core essence of being human. Her wisdom urges us to rethink our roles within communities, rediscover the magic of authentic connections, and actively foster empowering, uplifting environments. As the founder of The Human Array, Carrie brings over 20 years of community-building experience to create connected and conscious spaces for living, growing, and creating, where she empowers individuals to embrace authenticity and contribute to thriving, uplifting communities.

Find Carrie online at The Human Array or on Instagram!

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