


In psychotherapy, one of the ideas that we give great consideration to is a client’s willingness, or readiness, to change. There is a five stage protocol that indicates where someone is on their journey and how that correlates to the likelihood of a positive therapeutic outcome.

Precontemplation is the stage where the individual has not yet become aware that there even is a problem to address. Contemplation is the stage when those first bits of recognition start to awaken, but no concrete steps have yet been taken. Once the individual is taking concrete action toward beginning this process - maybe researching therapists in their area or insurance directory, or opening up to trusted friends, for example - they are in the preparation stage. As they enter into a therapeutic relationship and begin doing the work, they are the action stage. Maintenance stage is the post-therapy stage, in which the individual incorporates all they have learned in treatment into their every day life. (Prochaska, DiClemente, & Norcross, 1992)

These concepts are so vital to the efficacy of treatment that some modalities will assess readiness to change as part of the treatment process. This is especially true in treatments for substance abuse and addition as well as disordered eating.

What I find much more fascinating than the particular stage of readiness is the catalysts for progression through them. What are the motivators that shifts someone from denial to recognition and beyond into action. What is the individual’s final straw? What does it mean to hit your limit?

What is the last straw that leads to ending a toxic relationship? Or leaving an unsatisfactory job? Or addressing a long standing problem? Initiating that difficult conversation? Starting that new exercise practice?

It sometimes takes years of preparation yet only a moment of decision.

On the other side of these thoughts is the realization that it can be whenever. Any time. Right now. Or tomorrow. That moment that you’ve been waiting for to do that thing, take the next step, move into a new space, is right there waiting for you back. All you need to do is…the thing.

The process isn’t the same for everyone. There are no right and wrong rules. It will look differently for each of us, and that’s ok.

Even in the most significant moments of transition, or action taken, in my life, I can’t always put my finger squarely on the catalyst that brought me to the change that needed be made. In some of those times, there may have been months, long months, of internal debate and indecision, only to finally be struck by a lightning strike of recognition that action must be taken. Well, in honesty, it probably looked more like a deep sigh and “no more”. Do you know that sigh?

In those times, from wherever it arose, the knowledge was indisputable. In retrospect, the single biggest factor, for me, was finally realizing that I could take those next steps and trusting in my own capabilities.

I guess I share all of this simply to say, wherever you are and whatever you’re staring down, when the moment arises, you’ve got this. Take the deep breath. Do the thing.

In the spirit of Autumn.

In the spirit of Autumn.

The Vishuddha Playlist

The Vishuddha Playlist