Enneagram for Wellbeing (with Margaret Rizzuto) — Courtney Edwards, MS, BCC
Enneagram for Wellbeing (with Margaret Rizzuto)

Enneagram for Wellbeing (with Margaret Rizzuto)

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Have you heard of Enneagram but aren't quite sure how it can be a positive aspect of your life? Have you wondered how to find your "type"? Are you like Courtney and see bits of yourself in more than one type (spoiler: we all have elements of all types!)? Join Courtney her long-awaited guest, Margaret Rizzuto, for this informative and expansive conversation around Enneagram.

Margaret provides an overview of each type, and explains how wings, levels of development, and instincts shape each type with ore detail. She happily dispels the myth that we are concretely and absolutely one type, and she shares her earliest experiences, personally and professionally with this tool. Courtney and Margaret discuss the intersections and similarities between Enneagram and other ways of viewing ourselves, specifically Myers-Briggs typology and astrology. Margaret and Courtney both share their favorite resources, as well, so that listeners can learn more about Enneagram as a tool toward self-knowledge, self-acceptance, and self-compassion.

About our guest: Margaret is a native New Yorker who moved to Providence, RI in 2021 at the height of the real estate market and a global pandemic - what a ride!

Margaret has been working professionally in photography for over 15 years, she specializes in portrait work, primarily with women. She sees her work behind the camera as much more than just photographing. She’s passionate about helping women feel empowered, and she uses her camera as a tool for empowerment, helping women to see, embrace, and love themselves.

Margaret is also a certified Mindset Coach where once again, empowerment is a theme in her work. In her coaching work, she uses positive psychology tools, mindset shifts, gratitude, and one of her favorite tools, the Enneagram, to help create positive change. She considers herself a ‘perennial student’ of the enneagram. She believes that learning and embracing the enneagram is a worthy and lifelong study. As a Type 4, she fully embraces the "perfect imperfection" of life.

You can find Margaret at www.margaretrizzuto.com or contact her at margaret@margaretrizzuto.com and by phone 845-729-2685.

Resources from today's episode: Enneagram Institute Katherine Fauvre - Tri-type Test The Enneagram Guide to Waking Up, Beatrice Chestnut The Buddhist Enneagram, Susan Piver The Enneagram Made Simple, Ashton Whitmoyer-Ober The Wisdom of the Enneagram, Riso and Hudson

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