run club.
run club.png

Previously, I shared my story of how I became a runner in “The Running Cure”.

Back, in the early days of solavis, lots of folks assumed that central focus of my coaching practice would be fitness related. Physical movement and fitness is a large part of my life. I’m married to a dude frequently referred to as The Runner. It’s a large part of my identity.

And while running and other physical endeavors had not taken center stage of my coaching practice, it has certainly found its way in. A new project that I am launching will make this happen in a much bigger way.

Momentarily, let’s return to my running origin story: late-30s, two kids, general malaise and discontent, a fierce friend, and the couch to 5k app. OK. Fast forward to now.

About five years ago, I got a tattoo - “alis volat propriis” - she flies with her own wings. That was what I found in running. It felt like soaring, it felt powerful. I felt powerful.

Lately, running has lost a bit of its appeal for me. Many of my runs feel obligatory and utilitarian. My pace has dropped considerably since a couple of years ago (not that it was ever super-speedy) and my endurance to run double digit miles seems to have disappeared. I am still running about 15 miles per week (usually 4 runs per week 3-5 miles per run), but it hasn’t felt like flying in a long, long time.

At the same time as all of this has been happening in my running, I’ve also been playing with the idea of bringing a running initiative to my coaching practice.

Which is how the solavis holistic run club was born.

My running, such as it is, is in need of a hard reset. When I first started running I utilized social media as a tool for accountability. It seems time to merge those things together once again, and to invite you all to join in the fun!

Loosely organized, this run club will be for runners who are looking for shared accountability in starting out or for people who just want to step up their game and connect with others. Mostly, we will come together in virtual spaces - Facebook, Instagram, Meet Up, Twitter - though opportunities for group runs will definitely be an option for those of us local to one another.

I’ll be restarting with the Couch to 5k app, which is what I used to start running back in 2012. No watch, no pace, just moving. For those who wish to join, I’d encourage you to also utilize any of the Couch to 5k apps available, though you are also free to train at your pace and within your preferred framework.

By using #solavisrunclub on social media, we can cheer for one another, support one another, and share tips and advice when it gets rough.

Official start date is going to be March 15, with the intention of then being prepared for 5k racing in May, June, or July! Over the training cycle I will also be sharing upcoming race information for interested participants. (I’ll also share that the first/best piece of advice I was given as a new runner was to register for a race. It builds in accountability that is invaluable in those early days!)

Outside of your chosen app download, this is a free virtual training group. More details will be coming, but I am so happy to be sharing something that has been so life changing for me! If you’re not already following me on the socials, come find me ~ it’s going to be the best place to stay connected and not miss out on this opportunity.

I’ll be cheering for you!

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