Meditation goes virtual!
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Hello friends. I’m sending you all good thoughts for health and strength right now. These are indeed, wild times.

I have lined up a couple of resources for y’all:

  • Coaching services will continue to be available via online platforms. Reach out if you’re feeling in need of some support right now.

  • I heard some great wisdom that we needn’t be perfect amid a global pandemic and so I’ve set up a YouTube channel of share daily-ish meditation practice. Find it here!

  • I will be starting an online group meditation through Zoom. It’s probably easiest to stay connected through the Facebook page or our Meet-Up group page. Stay tuned for details. Also, if you’re new to Zoom, check out how to join a meeting.

Continue to be well! Hope to see you online and eager for the day we’re all together again!

shine + soar: april 26

shine + soar: april 26

spreading my wings.

spreading my wings.