spring forward!

spring forward!


We changed the clocks this week as part of SPRING FORWARD.

Now let's take that momentum into our own lives. Join this free, remote accountability group as you leap into this season of renewal and address your goals with the support and encouragement of an accountability group.

Whether you're looking to improve health (eat better, exercise more), start a new hobby, make changes in your career, improve time management, sleep better, get organized, learn to meditate, or practice self-care, this group is for you.

Each participant will bring their individual goals to the group and we will collectively cheer one another on, share tips and ideas, and hold one another accountable for taking these steps toward progress.

Join us in solavis holistic: conversations on Facebook. Fill out the Google Sheet with your goal information. Share with a friend. Let's get started!

Accountability Group.png
overcoming procrastination

overcoming procrastination

spring initiatives: we need your help!

spring initiatives: we need your help!