Sex, Sexuality, + Wellbeing, Pt 2 (with Irene Morning, Somatic Pleasure Coach)

Sex, Sexuality, + Wellbeing, Pt 2 (with Irene Morning, Somatic Pleasure Coach)

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In Part 2 of our mini-series on Sex, Sexuality, and Wellbeing, we are focusing on the reclamation and liberation of our pleasure with Somatic Pleasure Coach, Irene Morning. This conversation takes a deep dive into our sensory experiences, the impacts of trauma on our ability to access pleasure, and strategies for getting back into the body and reclaiming pleasure. Courtney and Irene also talk about the role socialization plays in our sexual identity and wellbeing, intimacy, vulnerability, communication, and how to better get our needs met.

About our guest: Irene Morning, MS (she/her) is a somatic pleasure coach and the bestselling author of The Polyamory Paradox: Finding Your Confidence in Consensual Non-Monogamy. She weaves together extensive training in somatic healing and sexual health counseling with her lived experience as a queer, kinky, neurodivergent femme to help others reclaim pleasure as a guiding principle and create the relationships that fulfill their unique desires. In addition to her private coaching practice and writing, Irene is the founder and creator of Pleasure Coven (an ongoing group program for femmes reclaiming pleasure) as well as Vice President & Managing Director of Curiosity Bears (a sex-positive events community based in Southern California). Both her work and personal life revolve around the belief that centering our own pleasure is not only healing on an individual level, but also in service of interdependence and collective well being.



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