a summer unlike any other: july | august shine + soar newsletter

a summer unlike any other: july | august shine + soar newsletter

Hello friends!

I hope you’re enjoying your summer. It’s hard to believe it’s been more than six weeks since my last newsletter to you. I’ve been busy - lots of converting formerly face to face work into online offerings and hopefully helping some folks along the way. It takes me away from writing, though, because I need to settle and be quiet in order to write.

Earlier today I was scrolling through my social media and a friend had posted the question “What have you learned through this pandemic?” and I immediately found the inspiration to sit down and share some things with you. I’m also eager to hear what YOU’VE learned in this pandemic, so please share that with me, too!

From the first, earliest days of this, I knew that this pandemic would show us both the best and the worst of us. Crisis is like that - it will shine a light on areas of weakness or cracks in the armor but it also helps you recognize your strengths, resilience, and resources. This is true of our society and communities, relationships, and our own selves.

I am forever hopeful that what we learn about ourselves in this collective crisis turns out to be a net positive.

I have learned that writ large, our current society, at least in these United States, have some priority problems that we’re being forced to reckon with. Wants versus needs. Comforts versus necessity. Essential versus non-essential. The collective versus the individual. Some of it isn’t pretty, but for a lot of us, we’re finding a moment to refocus on what truly is at the core of a beautiful existence.

I have learned that the human species is marvelously adaptable and strong and brave and that communities, by nature, are still wired for, and good at, connection and support. Even amid the struggles of so many there are a multitude of inspirational moments.

I have learned, sadly, that “other” bad things don’t stop happening even when the world is on pause to combat a virus.

But I’ve learned that the good things don’t stop either. Families are still adopting pets. Couples are still getting married. Babies are being born. And many of us are planting gardens. (Some of us for the first time!)

Let’s just sit with that for one moment - the idea of a garden. There is a beautiful quote attributed to Martin Luther: “Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.”

How much defiance there is in planting a garden. How much hope.


Workshops meet webinars

In June I had converted one of my favorite workshops into Zoom format as a remote offering. I was happy to receive so much positive feedback from community members regarding the topic but also heard from a lot of folks that scheduling is often challenging these days. I get it. We’re home but we’re also, in many ways, busier than we’ve ever been. Or we’re under more constraint due to the shared schedules of various family members and housemates.

I am hopeful that I’ve found the appropriate response by not only offering the Write Your Own Mission workshop remotely but in a new DIY-webinar format. How does that work, you ask?

I will be offering this pre-recorded, step by step workshop starting July 23. It will remain available through August 21. You can view the video and complete the prompts on your own and at a time that works for you. The registration fee ($15) also applies toward a one time, one-on-one Zoom call where I can answer any questions you may have, help with areas in which you feel stuck, or just help process the activity and how it will be influential in your life.

You can learn more information here or register through Eventbrite.

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One of the highlights of the past few weeks was being recognized by the Wisdom of Women committee of the New Paltz Chamber of Commerce! In doing so, I was awarded a business scholarship and I can’t wait to tell you what I am going to do with those funds!


Yes! A podcast!

In looking ahead, my primary goal is to continue to connect with people who are struggling and partner with them in accessible ways so that they may take a step forward into their potential. 

One of the methods that I feel personally drawn to, in large part based on my own preferred method of media consumption, is podcasting. I have been drawn to this medium as a consumer due to the immediate, intimate, and accessible connection it affords as contrasted with other forms of media. 

The envisioned format would support individuals experiencing problems or issues by connecting them with solutions, while also providing a platform for experts and wellness practitioners from throughout the Hudson Valley to share their knowledge and resources.

Listener submitted letters and essays will be answered on-air through my conversations with various community guests; combining the behavioral health coaching and psycho-educational components of my practice within a holistic and collaborative framework. 

Think: Dear Abby meets the 21st century. 

I am so excited to get this up and running so stay tuned for future updates about a launch date!

As I mentioned above, I have also been working diligently to continue to provide a space of growth and connection even as we move through the world remotely.

One of my favorite initiatives to that end has been my “Two Minute Meditation” series that I launched on Instagram. These short videos, usually filmed on my deck (pictured below), are a blending of instruction, helpful tips, guided meditation, and a call to practice. You can find all the videos on my Instagram channel. Thanks for practicing with me!

Of course, for a more connected meditation experience, we are still meeting twice per week for group practice on Zoom. All are welcome!

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The Two Minute videos are also available for viewing on my new Vimeo channel. I had initially been utilizing YouTube but soon found that Vimeo is going to allow me much more creativity and the ability to share some unique offerings with you all.

Which brings me to my most fun announcement:

A big reason I signed up for Vimeo is that it gives me the ability to share videos and resources with specific groups of people. An example of this is the secure link registrants of the Write Your Mission workshop will receive. I was seeking this capability because it is the vehicle that best serves what I hope will become a thriving and vibrant Patreon community.

For those who are unfamiliar with Patreon, it is a subscription service where community members have exclusive and private access to creator content. Patrons provide the foundational support for the continued production of content that is meaningful to the community.

The different levels of support for my Patreon community will provide members access with everything from bonus meditation videos exclusive to the Patreon community (i.e. not posted to my Instagram or public Vimeo pages) to VIP workshops, as well as group and individual coaching. Once I am publishing podcast episodes, bonus content will be made available there, as well.

Most importantly, this is a platform that has the potential to connect y’all with y’all. In these days of social distancing, bringing folks together to share in mindfulness, self-care, mental and emotional wellness, and a commitment to our highest potential feels meaningful and crucial. The stated goal of my Patreon community is mindfulness, wellbeing, and connection.

You can find out more information about what is available at each tier by visiting my Patreon community page.


Don’t forget that individual and group coaching remains available, and at this time through telehealth (remote) platforms. I don’t have a timeline for returning to face to face but will keep you informed.

I am hoping this finds you well, and healthy. I am so grateful for this continued community and send you all the love!

Take good care of yourself and one another.

Entering Autumn

Entering Autumn

meaning making

meaning making